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Jesus says, MY Sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me...


JOHN 10:27

The question is...

How many Christians can say that they hear God speak to them, know Him intimately and can follow Him confidently? 

How many Christians know the word of God - very important indeed - yet do not have a love relationship with the Father?

Tony and Margaret Cornell and team are the U.K. representatives of Mark Virkler, Communion with God Ministries; they have been teaching His material for many years. Mark’s vision is to saturate the world with ‘4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice’ - we want to do the same. We want to see Jesus’ words from John 10.27 in action, because the bible is meant to be lived.

This course can raise up people who live out of the flow of the spirit, just like Jesus did. We encourage every church leader to enable their congregation to hear God’s voice clearly and to find safety in doing so.

Once, we assumed that every one of His sheep heard His voice, but over the years we discovered that many Christians are not able to hear God and that many of them had incorrectly assumed that some are gifted in this way while others are not.

‘Hearing’ the Lord speak creates such security in believers’ hearts. They know that God loves them, they know that God is interested in their every moment, they know they can flow with Him and minister in their everyday lives.


We offer other seminars such as ‘Naturally Supernatural’, ‘Hearing God Through Your Dreams’ and ‘Through the Bible’, ‘Four Keys’ being taken as a precursor: hearing God’s voice is intrinsic to all of the other courses.

This seminar is usually a 10-hour taster, a compact version of the full course offered by the Christian Leadership University. We usually schedule for Friday evening and all-day Saturday although we can make alternative arrangements to suit an individual situation.

We give you all the details that you need to successfully host a seminar as well as encouraging churches in much needed follow-up to confirm and embed skills gained during the weekend. We can preach on the Sunday if required.

Our teaching is delivered via Zoom during the pandemic. It has opened up the world in a wonderful way and there are no travel expenses and venue problems!

Please email us if you want to join a course as we are running the Four Keys almost continuously, as well as offering other courses.

Through the Bible

We’ve taught you how to hear God through the ‘still small voice’ and now there is an opportunity to develop your ability to hear God through His word. Biblical meditation is a simple matter. We slow down our reading and ask God to speak to us though His word, a chapter at a time.

When we come together as a group, we share our insights which we will have recorded in the graphs in the manual. There are questions to answer at the end of each week and an optional multiple-choice exam.

To find out more go to, and hear Mark talk about the course - and get a peek into the manual.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Hearing God's voice is as simple as…

4 Keys Book.png

Key 1: Stillness -

Quieting yourself down

Key 2: Vision -

Fixing your eyes on Jesus



Key 3: Spontaneity -

Tuning to spontaneity



Key 4: Journaling -

And Writing

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How to Hear the Voice of God

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