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Chris says...

The course Communion with God was so helpful to me in various respects. It is practical,. I have found this course helped me to know Jesus, rather than just knowing about Jesus. Applying the insights that God has given me through my studied and revelations, I feel there is a sharper sensitivity in my heart to hearing God speak to me. I have been finding a new sensitivity and expectancy to hear God speaking through everyday circumstances. My daily journey with God now begins with sharing love with Him, and it makes my days so much happier. Walking with Jesus no longer seems a burden like it did before, with so many rules. Going to my journal seems like a retreat and I look forward to that special time. I personally believe that this course has been the best course I have ever done as a Christian. It is practical and so helpful and an ongoing help for the rest of my life.

Diane says…

I had no idea that as a believer I could really hear from God.  When I heard about Communion with God my heart got excited.  It was like finding a missing key that  I secretly, yet unknowingly hoped existed, and knew I desperately needed. I tried to obey God's word, but I could not sense His love. He felt distant to me.  When others spoke of communion with Him, my heart ached.  I tried to be more connected, to be closer to my Father but it seemed unrealistic and unattainable to me.  I didn’t believe "little me" could “hear” from God; surely that was the privilege of “special ones”, not me.  It was a desert place. But... God offered me the opportunity to attend the CWG course.  I learned what God's word said about hearing, seeing, and sensing the LORD, and I was convinced then that it was true and I could begin listening and expecting to hear from Him. CWG also confirmed that spontaneous thoughts I had previously sensed, were part of God's communing with me.  So, until CWG, I simply had no Scriptural foundation or understanding to place those experiences on, therefore I doubted, even dismissed, that it was God speaking to me.

With such rich excitement, I began to listen to the LORD in the CWG course and on my own and began to write it all down, as it says in Habakkuk.  Finally, after we all shared some of our journaling together in class, my confidence soared; that we were really hearing the voice of the LORD! As they shared, I heard His voice so clearly; suddenly I had no doubt. The Scriptural truths along with the experiences received in relationship with other "communion with God-seekers" in class opened a floodgate for me of a deeper dimension of relationship and experience with God.  It's many years later now, and I remember like yesterday, the overwhelming love, joy, and excitement I felt from that experience. I remain very grateful for the door CWG class opened; for what I learned and practice has borne and continues to bear fruit in all areas of my life as I seek to be more like Christ. Learning I could talk and listen to my heavenly Father and knowing that is His will ... Wow!  Wonderful beyond words.

David says…

‘Communion with God’ has helped me as young person to develop in new areas of my Christian walk; the importance of a two-way communication with God, and journaling is a useful and powerful tool. The course is very easy to understand and something you continue as you live your life.

Anne Maria says…

One month after the CWG course, my father AND my father-in-law both became very ill.  I was able through listening to God and journaling, or writing down what He said, to establish what I should do in both cases. God told me how to get my father-in-law saved and healed. With regards to my father; God gave me a set of specific instructions to do when he was on his death bed.  I followed them to the letter (reading out the specific scriptures that God had given me for him). As a result, I had the privilege of watching my father get saved 20 minutes before he died. This course enabled me to hear clearly from God. It gave me confidence and courage to communicate with Him. As a result I was not left helpless, in a time which otherwise, would have been horribly traumatic. Since then I have been able to hear many things God has spoken. As a result, I have been able to release the hope and future, and the promises that He has for me.

Cherry says…

The Communion with God course taught me to believe that God cares about everything that I care about, every thought and action, and that He speaks to me constantly. We live in a time when everything is so rushed and busy, but if we stop and listen we can hear God's voice and direction. This course will help you to listen and hear the wonderful voice of the Lord directing you, guiding you and helping you in every day struggles and situations. It helps encourage you in your daily walk with Him. I did this course many years ago and I have now helped many people hear God for themselves. Many do not think they are worthy to hear God for themselves, but that's a lie, this course uncovers the truth - we can all hear him speak to us.

Christine says…

I am a mature student and yet ‘Communion with God’ enabled me to  see fresh word based revelation. There were so many interesting topics to embrace, in our Bible School courses which allowed the eyes of my heart to open further to truth. The course enabled me to hear God in very busy times. Knowing the awesome fact that Jesus did what he SAW the Father doing – intriguing! I am now motivated in consistent journaling and enjoying the development of the teaching in my life.

Margaret says…

I once heard God speak to me before I was saved in an audible voice, and in my early Christian life I was able to be led by the spirit because I clearly heard him speak short sentences, by sensing His 'still small voice' in my inner man. I could also give prophecies and interpretation of tongues. However, I remember my excitement when I first worked through the Mark Virkler course, and realised that I could routinely hear God speak more than a couple of sentences at a time, enabling me to enter into a greater daily walk with Him. In fact, to live my life out of the voice of God.

Over the years, I had discovered that many other Christians did not hear God, and that they assumed, quite wrongly, that some were ‘gifted in this way’ and that others weren’t.

As Pastors we saw that this course would help others to hear God as a matter of course, and fulfil Jesus statement that “My sheep hear my voice”. We realised that it was a very valuable tool to raise up a whole church of prophetic people, who could live out of the flow of the Holy Spirit, just like Jesus did. Jesus heard what the Father said and did it. He saw what the father showed him and followed His instructions, and so can we.

I cannot recommend this course too highly. It is a wonderful church building opportunity. It creates such security in believers’ hearts. They know that God loves them. They know that God is interested in their every moment, and that know that they can minister for Him in their everyday life.

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