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About the Team


Since 1982, Tony and Margaret faithfully and passionately walked this vision out as the founding pastors of Ely Christian Fellowship, in Ely Cambridgeshire, now called The Lighthouse in Ely. They pastored there for 25 years, and have spent much of their married life living in community. They have been married for 51 years and have two sons. The full story is recounted in Margaret’s exciting book ‘A Life Shared’.

A huge turning point for both of them was in 1983 when they personally worked through the course, by Mark and Patti Virkler, then called Communion with God, and were introduced to journaling.

The ability gained through this course greatly increased their personal spiritual development and put all they wanted to express about walking closely with the Holy Spirit so clearly.

They say, “When we taught the course to a key group of people in the church; what an amazing transformation it produced in people’s lives! Since we retired from full time pastoring in 2007, it’s been a joy to take this course far and wide.

We are so thrilled that we now have a truly anointed team working with us.


Wiley Smiley

Wiley is married to Lynda. They have one son. Wiley has been doing prophetic evangelism on the street sine 2005. He discovered the 4 Keys to Hearing Gods Voice in 2010, whilst watching Mark Virkler on Its Supernatural with Sid Roth. Wiley has been taking teams on the streets and showing how to receive words of knowledge and words of wisdom, praying for healing and also ministering pastorally to the homeless community alongside his wife Lynda.

He believes that the 4 Keys can be applied to every area of your life and produces lasting intimacy with the Father, Son and Holy spirit.

Since also doing the course “Hearing God Through Your Dreams” Wiley has developed a passion for teaching people how to receive counsel from the Holy Spirit though dreams and visions.

Rebecca Duckworth

Rebecca Duckworth is married to Mark and has two daughters.

Rebecca was impacted immensely by taking the 4 Keys course in 1987. Whilst struggling to believe she could or would ever hear the Lord, and locked into a cerebral mindset, He broke through. Empty and silent places became ‘the garden of the Lord’ and dryness yielded to Spirit awareness and comforting fellowship.

She now delights in passing on these 4 keys to finding intimacy with God and is also an accomplished and anointed musician and worship leader.

My Story by Margaret Cornell
Interview by BritishChristianTV

Testimony of Tony and Margaret’s Teaching

I have known Pastors Margaret and Tony Cornell for over 20 years. In the late 1970’ I trained at Ridley Hall, Cambridge (an Anglican ministry training college) and studied the theology Tripos at Cambridge University.

Since the early 1980’s I have attended Margaret and Tony’s church in Ely (originally called ‘Ely Christian Fellowship’ but now ‘The Lighthouse’). Their preaching and teaching ministry is second to none.

Their teaching represents everything that is good about ‘expository preaching’ – so sadly lacking in many of our churches today. It is soundly based in the scriptures of the New Testament but always relevant to the modern worshipper. Above all, their teaching is a perfect blend of Logos wisdom and Rhema revelation.

I have no hesitation in recommending the preaching and teaching ministry of the Margaret and Tony Cornell – I wish that all Christian ministry was like this!

Stephen Scott-Fawcett MA (Cantab) FRICS FRGS Ely.

Rev. Mark Virkler received his B.A. in Religion/Philosophy at Roberts Wesleyan College. Raised a conservative Baptist, educated Free Methodist, influenced and trained by renowned Catholic, Episcopal and Charismatic teachers, Rev. Virkler’s theology and ministry reflect a unique blending of these traditions. Mark has forty years pastoral experience. He has built three networks of church-centered Bible schools that have utilized his curriculum package. Currently serving as President of Communion with God Ministries.

Mark has authored more than fifty texts, has been included in "Who’s Who in the World" each year since 2000, and "Who's Who in American Education" in 2006, and traveled worldwide since 1980 teaching Communion With God seminars. His call in life is to saturate the earth with communion with God, and apply communion with God to the various disciplines of life. An outstanding writer, teacher and entrepreneur, Mark brings these gifts to your church.


Endorsement from Rev Mark Virkler

I am thrilled to endorse Rev Tony Cornell and his wife Rev. Margaret Cornell as UK representatives, to teach and train people in your church or ministry “How to Hear God’s Voice.” Tony and Margaret have taught and lived this message since I first visited their ministry in 1987.  I found them to be gracious hosts, as well as impassioned ministers of the fullness of God’ grace to the hearts of the broken.

At that time they had a large ministry home, and I met several whom they had taken in, and were helping rebuild their lives. Now some of these people have worldwide ministries.

Over the years Tony and Margaret have taught the Communion With God course in their church, their bible school and in churches across England and into surrounding nations. They have a passion to teach every single Christian that they can easily hear Gods voice on a daily basis.  You can invite Tony and Margaret into your church or ministry for an experiential workshop on How to hear God’s voice. Everyone who attends will hear God’s voice. By hearing His voice daily, their lives will be transformed.

The follow up by you of our 10 week DVD training module on “4 Keys to Hearing God’s voice” will solidify this new lifestyle so the transformation is complete. Please feel free to contact the Cornells at, to schedule them for a seminar at your church.  In addition to providing training on “How to Hear God’s Voice”, the Cornells may also be able to offer training on other courses. Why not offer this transforming training to your people?

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